Friday, February 29, 2008


28 days have come and gone during which I have eaten no meat, no sugar nor alcohol, except for a one-evening slip-up earlier this week, which couldn't be avoided!

I have overdosed on vegetables, fish and rice-filled stuffed peppers and have lost an overwhelming 6 kilos (13.2lbs). My trousers are feeling a little loose so it will be interesting to see how my body reacts as I slowly reintroduce my it to 'normal' food again.

What I certainly won't miss are the oh-so-trivial glasses of beetroot juice (yuck!), the cold showers in the morning (brrrr!), the banning of tea and coffee and the partaking of annoyingly sweet soya milk. I have learnt to enjoy some new foods, however: goats cheese, fruits, salads, nuts and raisins. I also enjoy the daily spoon of honey melted in hot water - it takes away the craving for anything sweet quite effectively and also serves as an antioxidant.

So, I will look back on February 2008 as the month I detox. March will be the month I take up yoga. What? Don't laugh! They all laughed when I started doing the detox. Well, who has the last laugh there, eh?!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: She Wants A Screwdriver, Not A Hammer!

In England, if the boss asks you to make a cup of tea, you fucking make a cup of tea without question. Similarly, if the boss says jump, you bloody jump! This isn't sucking up to the boss, this is merely his way of exerting his authority; after all, having worked his way up in the firm, he has 'earnt' certain rights and one of them happens to be bossing you, his underling, around. Hence that's why he is called the 'boss'.

Fortunately, a lot of bosses avoid this overtly insensitive approach, but an incident in the office this week made we look at a very close colleague - who I like very much - and wonder: who the fuck do you think you are?!

In the absence of a General Manager (he quit last summer and, even now, hasn't been replaced), I was preparing my Goals & Objectives together with my peers. We told each of our colleagues what we thought should be done this year, together with a brief idea of how it could be completed. Without a boss, it was a very good exercise, just to make sure that our tasks were aligned to an ever elusive strategy.

The colleague I have an issue with today suggest producing a bi-annual newsletter summarising the team's achievements. With alot of negativity in the organisation, any attempt at highlighting the positive elements by means of internal marketing could be beneficial. My colleague pointed out that she would need a certain type of software to do this. Not caring what the software was, I asked her how much the software cost. She said it would cost €1,000. I scoffed, much to her dismay. We don't have money to fritter away on a newsletter which, let's face it, would only be produced twice a year.

I suggested that we collect images, create the text and use Microsoft Word, later converting the final layout to PDF format; whilst not ideally nor wholly professional, the result is sometimes pretty impressive and, even if it's not, you can always tweak the original Word document to improve the final PDF layout. My colleague refused to listen to my suggestion, barking: 'If I was a screwdriver, I want a screwdriver, not a hammer!' I simply respond: 'Well, sweetie, all we can afford is a hammer!' And do you know what she did? She removed the task from her goals for the year!

She doesn't need a screwdriver nor a hammer, just a slap to knock some sense into her!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox - I Fell Off The Wagon

In my defence, it was out of my control. We had very important customers on-site at work yesterday and I was left to host them. Just by coincidence, the Global Director of Marketing was amongst them and, in a one-to-one after a four-hour meeting, I told him about my future plans to work for one year in Australia. He was very supportive, even going so far as to reveal that they are actually seeking additional headcount in Australia this very Spring!

So it was when they invited me out to dinner, how could I refuse? Who knows what impact a refusal to socialise may have made on a potential employment offer. Evening came and I dined on salmon to start, whitefish for mains and fruit marinated in rum for dessert. This was washed down with lots of water and two small glasses of red wine which, surprisingly, managed to make me feel a bit woozy.

It was a well-earned treat, after 25 days of stead-fast culinary discipline. Having lost around 5kilos (11lbs) relatively easily, I assured myself that my actions need not be punished. Indeed, later in the evening, my body would punish me by refusing to let me sleep from midnight all the way through to 7am. It seemed that every lashing of extra energy my body had luckily got its hands on last night was humming through my veins. I have never quite experienced anything like it as my body had salt, sugar and alcohol coarsing through it for the first time in nearly four weeks.

Just four more days to go!

Monday, February 25, 2008

KYLIE: Wow Goes To #5

Just days after being awarded the coveted title of Best International Female at the Brits Awards, Kylie's new track, Wow, wings its way to Number 5 in the UK Singles Chart.

Constituting her 24th hit in the Top 5, Wow sees Kylie heading back to the disco after her relatively dismal affair with Glam Rock track, Two Hearts.

You can check out the Wow video on this blog here.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Entertaining Gym Characters

I was in the gym last night and, as I psyched myself up to perform a final set on the chest press, I was somewhat distracted by some pretty loud groaning of what I first thought to be of a pornographic nature coming from the other end of the gym. When I stopped to look, I saw an overweight, profusely sweating guy pumping a combined weight of 200 kilos (~440lbs).

The purpose of lifting so much weight eluded me; he didn’t look fit, was overweight, was sweating like a pig and seemed to regale in the fact that had managed to disturb literally every other living being within a 100 metre radius. As I continued, the groaning continued and, in the back of my mind, I recalled notes I made many months ago which I hadn’t completed. It was all about the people in the gym, and the impressions they made on me. After all, it is said that first impressions last.

We will start with The Three Beginners. These three guys, in their mid-twenties, glide around the gym not knowing what to do really. They are of average height, slimmer than I am and the way they move through the gym – very much like a close-knit pack of dogs – makes me laugh. It’s almost as if they are taking a safety-in-numbers approach, none of them allowing too much space in case one of the big guys single them out to pick on them.

And then there’s The Staring Duo. These two guys, in their thirties, are obsessed with Bree and I. They don’t strike me as gay, but I they are very curious creatures. They gesture as if though they are talking about us and, if Bree isn’t with me, they are even more confused by the fact that I have been allowed out alone. The burly one isn’t burly, he’s just fat while the other one sports a mini ponytail which, in my opinion, is more out of style than a gay guy in the 21st Century! It’s somewhat unnerving, however, just how fascinated they are by us.

While we’re on the subject of fascination with the same sex, there are two guys who are both gay and, almost instantly, somewhat unlikable. One, let’s call him The Cow, boasts a bloated stomach which reminds me of cattle. He wears skin tight lycra, totally inappropriate given his frame, replete with cycling shots which makes you wonder what the hell he is doing! On closer inspection, however, he has shaped his eyebrows in such a way as if to emulate Garry Glitter which, let’s face it, isn’t an image to idolize after his antics with underage kids.

The second one, Leotard Man, is an exceptional fella. Unlike The Cow, he has a body worthy of praise. Unusually in Finland, he has dark skin. He’s coloured, but not; it’s hard to pinpoint his origination, but I have heard him speaking Finnish rather fluently so perhaps he is Finn, but the result of parents from different parts of world, a rarity in Finland. Two things draw your attention to him: first off, he wears an all-over body leotard. Never have I seen this guy where shorts and a shirt like any other man. It’s almost as if he has been ski-jumping and then come to the gym for a quick post-jump workout! The second thing is the way he struts about and positions himself for his exercises. For example, getting ready to do a set of tricep pull-downs, he places his hand on the overhead bar, positions his feet away from the machine, perks out his ass (which looks very firm in that leotard material, once can't help but notice) and then watches himself in the mirror as he slowly completes the movement. By god, if he’s not gay, then I’m not!

Whilst talking about pert buttocks, I’m suddenly thinking about Boobs so maybe I am not gay after all. There’s a young lady, perhaps in her late twenties, who has taken it upon herself to have her breasts enhanced. Like Leotard Man, Boobs likes to wear skin-tight clothing, but hers is closer to the Linda-Carter-as-Wonder-Woman variety. A few weeks ago, I had an experience with her breasts (unbeknownst to her) which really would have been a treat for any straight gay, but for me, I found it quite amusing.

She was laying on her back on a bench, free-weight dumbells in each hand and proceeded to do upward chest presses. At the time, I was sitting on a machine which was two metres from the head-end of her bench. As she slowly lifted the weights, I could see her cleavage through the top of her Wonder Woman-like cut shirt which, unlike Linda Carter’s, had thin over-the-shoulder straps keeping the shirt from falling down. What was weird was that the breasts didn’t actually move, which confirmed my belief that they were indeed the gift of a surgeon's skill.

From tits, we go to legs. There’s one guy, let's call him UB (for Upper Body), who is definitely younger than me and has been working out a lot. But, instead of becoming bulkier, he is doing it the right way; the non-enhanced way where you eat the right food and grow, not inject and grow. UB's upper body is looking quite good and, wearing a vest, his shoulders and arms are the envy of most guys. But he has sadly neglected his lower body and, wearing shorts, you wonder if his spindly legs might snap as he lifts yet another heavy weight to exercise those arms and shoulders of his. The hairs on his legs seem out of place since his legs look like those of a youngster instead of a guy in his mid-twenties.

But there is one famous gent among us in the gym, a guy who looks very much like Earl Spencer. When I first saw him, I had to do a double take as I was so sure it was him; he is exceptionally tall, slim, confidently healthy looking and has brown hair very much in the same style as the Earl himself. He has a certain presence, arrogant yet noble. You sense that he is a decent guy, just trying his best to maintain his privacy, just like the Earl in real life. He’s an interesting character, rarely making eye-contact with fellow exercisers.

In real life, Earl Spencer is the father of four children, two of which just happen to be twins. In our gym, there are two guys in their early twenties who also happen to be identical twins. We call them the Carbo Twins. When they first started coming to our gym late last Autumn, they looked decidedly round (hence the 'Carbo' name due to eating to much carbohydrates perhaps?!), the result of a dedicated mother who insisted that her boys much eat. I can just imagine plates of pasta and potato and the mother approaching these already-big boys with old wives tales such as: ‘if you eat this, you’ll grow big and strong’! In this case, it’s not an old wives tale since they are big and I’m guessing they are strong. I’m a little envious of them because, bit by bit, they have got slimmer and more defined so I’m guessing maybe they left home recently?!

And so we have come full circle, back to those guys who love to show off by grunting and groaning. I mean, tennis champion, Martina Navratilova, wouldn’t get a grunt in edgeways around two boys in particular, who we will call Grunt & Groan. They are in their early twenties and they are steroid junkies: in a space of less than a year, their necks have expanded to become bigger than their heads! And, like the guy in the gym last night, they get a kick out of getting that last bit of attention by groaning as if their appendix was about to burst.

In summary, life in the gym would be dull without these people. Sometimes, I wish I could go up to them, get to know them, but it’s something you just don’t do. Gyms in Finland are much more superficial than gyms in England. In England, people use gyms as meeting-places, a place where friends recommend friends and one acts as a support for another as they sweat it out. At some gyms in England, they even organise social events, something unimaginable in Finland. A Finn's love of silence, and their desire for solitude reigns supreme even in a room full of people who share their interest in fitness.

Monday, February 18, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox - Down from 89.9 to 86.1

For someone from a family who loves their food, getting to Day 18 on what is only now starting to feel like a strict food regime is a hell of an achievement.

I am still feeling slimmer than I used to and so I should, having lost nearly four kilos (8.8lbs) since I started only 18 days ago. It's difficult to tell what proportion of the weight loss is fat and what is actually toxin, but judging by the visibily reduced size of my waist, I'm guessing it's a combination as well as some retained water.

One amusing thing is that I have noticed that I actually watch other people eat their food. While I am tucking into tuna salad, I'm salivating at my colleague's food as he or she eats pizza, spaghetti bolognese, steak. And the same thing is true at breakfast time when Bree, prearing his ham sandwich, lumps on a load of finely chopped, mayonaise-rich potato salad.

Gotta stop writing, I'm salivating again!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am working my way through the largely entertaining, although bitchy and catty expose that is Rupert Everet's book, Red Carpets & Other Banana skins.

As gay as a gay man can be, Rupert cleverly works his way slowly through his life story and you can't help but wonder if most of what he is written is actually true or if he is just pandering to the sensationalism-hungry masses.

Halfway through the book, however, Rupert turns his attention to friends - or friends-of-friends, which is often the case because he is such an opportunistic creep - who have contracted HIV/AIDS. The virus is no longer a taboo and, in Europe, AIDS infections have steadily increased over the last couple of years mainly due a lack of consistent messaging among the young.

It got me thinking about an episode of Oprah that Bree and I watched one evening as we got ready to go out on our trip in South Africa last Christmas. The Angel Network presented five-time Grammy winner, Alicia Keys, with a check for $250,000 in recognition of her support of Keep A Child Alive, a global AIDS alliance striving to get antiretroviral medicines to the 95% of all people with HIV/AIDS living in impoverished countries that can't afford these medicines.

By the end of 2005, 77% of all orphans in Zimbabwe (some 1.1 million) had been orphaned because of AIDS. In South Africa, there are more than 1.2 million orphaned children living with HIV/AIDS. Worldwide, it is estimated that a staggering 15 million children under 18 have been orphaned as a result of AIDS while, in Sub-Saharan Africa, 9% of all children have lost at least one parent to AIDS.

Raising awareness of the plight of these children is an admirable thing, but 25 years after AIDS was officially acknowledged in the Western World, why is there still no cure? What will happen when these millions of children in Africa, uneducated, reach sexual maturity?

At the moment, the number of HIV/AIDS cases seems to have levelled-out, but when these kids reach sexual maturity, we are all in trouble; whole countries and their economies will collapse as, one by one, these adolescents - representing their nation's future labour fource - succumb to this horrid virus.

I'm in two minds about Alicia Keys' and Oprah Winfrey's public awareness campaign. How much will it take before governments around the world realise that this is a global issue, and rally behind this cause? Why is it increasingly left to celebrities to use their status to get issues addressed rather than swept under the carpet?

Together, we are stronger. Apart, there's trouble ahead.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox (Impressive Weight Loss)

While my colleagues continue to laugh about my self-imposed detox program, it was me who had the last laugh this morning; Sunday marked ten days of relatively funless food eating and the revelation that, by sticking to a strict food intake (not quantity, I can eat as much as I like), I lost an impressive 3kilos (6.6lbs) in ten days!

I was at the swimming pool and, before I swam, I used the digital scales to confirm that my weight was 86.6 kilos (13st 9lbs), down from 89.6 kilos (14st 1lbs)!! While the point isn't to lose weight, the thing is that even though I am eating quite alot, I am still losing weight. I guess that's just testament to how much crap I was actually eating.

A colleague asked me yesterday what I planned to do when the program was over and, to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it. Of course, I think I will try to substistute sweets with the nuts, raisins and sultanas I have come to enjoy. And I will lay off the flavoured yoghurt (people dont' realise just how much fat is being substituted with sugar so what's the point?) and try to limit my bread and pasta intake!

One thing that I have noticed during this detox is that while I haven't really craved food, I do watch what other people are eating. I can't help it, but admit it is like being a dog waiting under the dinner table for a secretive scrap of food from the kid in the family!

The thing I miss most is bread - it provides that wonderful fulfilling feeling! And the best thing so far is the sleep: without stimulatings such as sugar, alcohol or caffeine in my system, I'm able to sleep like a baby!

Monday, February 11, 2008

KYLIE: Wow, wow, wow!

Due for release on February 18th, Kylie's aiming once again for the disco circuit! Move over Madonna, Kylie is back in town!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

HUMOUR: Lessons in Pharmacology

In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.

The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.

Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink". Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT & DO.

Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox (Review of First Week)

One week on, and what do I think of the Detox program? Well, the worst part is the one-minute cold shower each morning, but I think the daily helping of carrot - or beetroot - juice is even worse than the cold shower. Other than that, it has simply been a case of allowing extra time to prepare foods that I am not used to making.

I had one disaster in the kitchen where I attempted to replicate the recipe for hummus, as suggested in the Detox program. I followed the instructions to the letter, mixed the tahini (don’t ask what that is!), the chick peas, the lemon juice and the garlic. Since I an not allowed to eat bread (sob!), I used rice cakes. Bloody awful, it was, even the hummus on it’s own. I smelled of garlic for days!!!!

Talking about garlic, every day I need to take supplements in the form of tablets: I swallow a multivitamin (naturally!), a cranberry tablet (for the kidneys), a kelp tablet and a garlic tablet (for the liver). I was in the gym the other day, sweating away, and I rubbed some sweat from my forehead with my sports towel and, as I pulled the towel away from me, I got a whiff of garlic. It was then that I realized that the stuff is leaching out of me. Yuck!

Also, in the gym, I’m not able to lift as much weight, which doesn’t altogether surprised me; I am getting no meat, no pasta, no white rice, all the things that give us that boost to get that great workout. I am, however, doing a lot of cardio exercise and lifting what I can so it will be interesting to see what my my weight is this weekend. While the aim isn’t to lose weight, I feel much slimmer and I just can’t believe that I have stuck at this program for a week – just another three weeks to go!

Before I started this program, I used to suffer from terribly, sleepless nights. Now, I am sleeping like a baby, further evidence that the stimulants that we consume every day, such as sugar, caffeine and alcohol (not everyday!) really do affect our energy levels. When I get back to ‘normal’ living, I suspect I am going to be one hell of a hyperactive individual!

Monday, February 04, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox (Day 4 of 29)

I am feeling decidedly slimmer just four days into my detox. After four breakfasts of pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds mixed with soya yoghurt and dried apricots, I am no longer questioning the diet because I can already feel the benefits.

The first couple of days left me feeling quite bloated, my body no doubt wondering what the hell was going on as I denied it anything 'nice': this includes sugar (even sweet fruits), caffeine and meat. Yesterday, the toilet was declared an area of natural disaster - thank god it wasn't a working day, that's all I can say!

On Saturday evening, we entertained two friends of ours and Bree modified my serving slightly by not saltening the salmon. I have to say that the salmon, together with piles and piles of vegetables, was very satisfying. While the others tucked into a newly baked pie of strawberries and blueberries (my favourite), I ate an apple and some grapes!

I'm quite proud of myself, actually. The is the longest I have ever stuck to any kind of food programme so let's see what the week ahead brings! I just keep telling myself that it's on 29 days out of entire life. I just want to prove - to myself - that I can do it!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: The Art In Other People's Houses

On our usual Sunday afternoon walk, we noticed an apartment that was being exhibited as for sale. We visited the fifth-floor home, whose balcony overlooked Töölöntori, and I saw this rather loud, groovy and funky piece of wall art. I was tempted to steal it, but how would we manage to get such a thing out of the apartment?

Friday, February 01, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox Commences (Day 1 of 29)

It feels like only a week ago when I bought the book on how to detox. And, today, the first day of February, the detox begins. I am planning to use this blog to share, holler, moan and scream about anything detox-related over the next 29 days!

After a breakfast of lemon juice in hot water and soya yoghurt with sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, the big question is: will I last a couple of days let along the whole of February?