Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox (Impressive Weight Loss)

While my colleagues continue to laugh about my self-imposed detox program, it was me who had the last laugh this morning; Sunday marked ten days of relatively funless food eating and the revelation that, by sticking to a strict food intake (not quantity, I can eat as much as I like), I lost an impressive 3kilos (6.6lbs) in ten days!

I was at the swimming pool and, before I swam, I used the digital scales to confirm that my weight was 86.6 kilos (13st 9lbs), down from 89.6 kilos (14st 1lbs)!! While the point isn't to lose weight, the thing is that even though I am eating quite alot, I am still losing weight. I guess that's just testament to how much crap I was actually eating.

A colleague asked me yesterday what I planned to do when the program was over and, to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it. Of course, I think I will try to substistute sweets with the nuts, raisins and sultanas I have come to enjoy. And I will lay off the flavoured yoghurt (people dont' realise just how much fat is being substituted with sugar so what's the point?) and try to limit my bread and pasta intake!

One thing that I have noticed during this detox is that while I haven't really craved food, I do watch what other people are eating. I can't help it, but admit it is like being a dog waiting under the dinner table for a secretive scrap of food from the kid in the family!

The thing I miss most is bread - it provides that wonderful fulfilling feeling! And the best thing so far is the sleep: without stimulatings such as sugar, alcohol or caffeine in my system, I'm able to sleep like a baby!