Monday, February 04, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Detox (Day 4 of 29)

I am feeling decidedly slimmer just four days into my detox. After four breakfasts of pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds mixed with soya yoghurt and dried apricots, I am no longer questioning the diet because I can already feel the benefits.

The first couple of days left me feeling quite bloated, my body no doubt wondering what the hell was going on as I denied it anything 'nice': this includes sugar (even sweet fruits), caffeine and meat. Yesterday, the toilet was declared an area of natural disaster - thank god it wasn't a working day, that's all I can say!

On Saturday evening, we entertained two friends of ours and Bree modified my serving slightly by not saltening the salmon. I have to say that the salmon, together with piles and piles of vegetables, was very satisfying. While the others tucked into a newly baked pie of strawberries and blueberries (my favourite), I ate an apple and some grapes!

I'm quite proud of myself, actually. The is the longest I have ever stuck to any kind of food programme so let's see what the week ahead brings! I just keep telling myself that it's on 29 days out of entire life. I just want to prove - to myself - that I can do it!