Saturday, May 13, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Leaves On The Trees

After a week of clear blue skies in Helsinki, the trees are finally getting their yearly covering a green, fresh leaves. The city has come alive once again and people are dropping the layers of clothing in favour of t-shirts, shorts and sandals; in a matter of one month, we went from near zero temperatures to +20! I can only imagine how many people have been sorting out their clothes in their bedrooms during that time, seeking out every possible kind of fashionable item to see if this or that still fits!

This morning, as the bus came to a set of traffic lights on my way to work, I noticed a young girl waiting to cross the road. No more than seven or eight years old, the girl donned rollerblades. The minute the green man appeared, she zoomed right across the crossing, passing the front of the bus as she did so. She sped up, keen to beat the tram that was passing alongside her. It made me smill for, everyday, I am witness to things that just don't happen in England. Springtime and Summertime are very special in Finland - why not come over and see it for yourself?