Wednesday, April 19, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Racism In Helsinki!

As liberal as Finland appears to be on the surface, if my Master's dissertation reading is anything to go by, Finland is overtly nationalist. And who can blame them after 762 years of occupation under the Swedes and Russians? And what they have acheived since indepdence in 1917 is incredible.

Sometimes, however, you wonder what spurs on the individuals within governments who endeavour to create a society that runs on time, regardless of the weather. Finland has achevied many things; it's education is among the best in the world, it's transport system runs bang on time and the health service isn't in tatters like some in Europe. Of course, it's not perfect, but it's good!

So it surprised me today to see a young youth, no older than 13, behaving in such a way that, if caught on camera, would stun the nation. For people keep telling me that Finland isn't a racist country, oh no! Again, my reading tells me that it's human nature to favour 'your own', referring to those groups (including ethnic) that you associate most with.

Having just got on the tram, I noticed a young muslim girl dressed in one of those all-over costumes representative of her faith. I've seen that millions of times in my life and I bearly even notice now. However, as the tram slowly departed from the tram stop, the young white youth outside proceeded to spit at the window where she was sitting; the spit was malicely intended for her and you should have seen the evil look on the young boys face.

And, yes, I was shocked. And, yes, I did what we all do; I looked away. It wasn't my problem, after all. What struck me most was that the girl, not much older than the white boy, bearly flinched. She showed a remarkable resilience when most young, white girls would have broken down and cried, claiming mistreatment. What has the world come to, eh?

The EU was created after two World Wars to create a sense of harmony and political stability. To a large degree, it has succeeded. Admittedly, Muslims do not 'belong' in Europe and white man, unwilling to merely enjoy the relative safety of the 21st Century, seems to have a nationalist urge to oust them. Why can't we all just get along?
