Wednesday, May 03, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Haven't Started Work, Yet Already Stressed!

Since my return from the UK on Sunday, I've been battling to get my Master's work into some kind of organisation, cramming for my Finnish exam and sorting out my bits and bobs before I start working tomorrow.

Today was Finnish exam day. It went rather well; while my clear strength is that I understand what is expected of me, actually getting it onto paper and applying the correct grammatical theories - of which there are many - is the problem! Results should be with me quite soon so watch this space.

The day has been marred by the Finnish authorities once again though! Having realised that no unemployment benefit has been paid to me since my last job ended over two months ago, I visited the Social Security office only to be told that, because my last contract was only nine weeks long, I wasn't entitled to social security. I argued that Finland isn't paying my social security, that the UK is so why are local rules being applied when I would clearly qualify for beneift under such circumstances in the UK?

To cut a long story short, I got stressed, did my usual bit of shouting and the woman suggested I fill in a form - which I have already filled in three times - to see if they might change their decision. What I don't understand is they've had a letter from my previous employer confiriming I am out of work so what exactly is holding up the payment? Finnish bureacracy gone mad once again, that's what's happened! I filled in the form, but I'm not holding my breath. They know that I'm going back to work tomorrow so, most likely, they'll fob me off until I get bored.

I never thought I of all people would say this, but I can't wait to start working!