Tuesday, March 28, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Tick-tock, tick-tock!

I still haven't heard anything from the Company and it's now Tuesday afternoon... Well, I am well mega-pissed off. I can't concentrate, although I really should be working on my Masters. I can barely speak comfortably with a mouth full of ulcers; I always get these when I'm stressed. And, as I type this entry, I'm reminded of my disgusting fingernails, the ones I have bitten red-raw in antipication of good news.

I called them an hour ago and they told me that their decision-making had been delayed until Thursday, although I was expressly told more than once during my interview that I would be notified on Monday of a final decision. Thursday ain't Monday, you know. It's actually three days later, I thought to myself as I listened to her weak excuses over the telephone.

Anyway, perhaps I should lighten up. With no more nails to bite, I've decided to settle down on this rather cold and grey afternoon with some rather interesting (not!) journal articles concerning ethnocentrism, nationalism, internationalism, patriotism and sociology.

God, I would rather be working so please, please let it be me!