Monday, March 27, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: SummerTime & My Waiting Game!

Everybody's clocks have now been put forward one hour throughout most of Europe and we are all starting to enjoy the lighter evenings. In Finland, this change has been rather impressive, with the daylight lasting until somewhere around 9pm. I can't say how fantastic the Summers are in Finland - they certainly make up for the winters that seem to last for what feels like forever.

Talking about clocks, I seem to be playing a bit of a waiting game myself and, once again, my fingernails are red raw from the waiting. What am I waiting for? I reached the second rounds of interviews for a really good job in a fantastic company. It's a great opportunity to get back into the workplace and, during my second interview last Friday, I was told that they would definitely decide by today. It's now gone 10pm on the Monday and nothing.

Part of me has accepted that I haven't got the job and that the company is just waiting for the contract to be signed by the successful candidate before making it public to the others. The other part of me is hoping that maybe, just maybe, the calibre of the remaining four candidates is so high that they have been unable to reach a decision and that I am still in the running!

God, the ticking of the clock is driving me crazy!