Tuesday, March 14, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Off On My Hols!

It's been a very quiet week on my blog, but there's been alot going on behind the scenes, believe me! It all seems to have come at once - the deadline for my Masters proposal, the ending of my contract in Malmi and, tomorrow, I am off to Gran Canaria for a well earned one week break! Yay!

Yesterday was my last day at work and I was touched by the messages I received from some of the people, who I had worked with for less than nine weeks. One said I had bought a happiness to the office while another one threw her harms around me when it was her time to part with the 'nice guy'. I was thrown off-base when my boss asked for the link to my blog; I wasn't quite prepared to 'reveal' myself in this way!

The Finnish lessons continue to take their toll and there's also the constant search for work. Actually, I had an interview last Thursday and an interview early today for two very different, but very good companies. Fingers crossed there will be some news by the time I get back!

Well, in the very least, there will be photos!