Tuesday, March 07, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Student Protest

When I was a kid, my parents stood proud when they declared that they didn't partake in 'free love' nor did they engage in experimental drug-taking or student protests. My god, they don't know what they're missing! Don't get me wrong, I'm talking specifically about student protests here; sleeping around and sticking drugs up my nose ain't my thing!

I am doing a Master's Degree in Marketing. It is with one of the University's in the UK that offer two intensive (and pretty useless) weekends followed by a consistently unreliable supply of material and tutor feedback. My last assignment was a labour of love and I anxious await my results. One tutor answered a student question last week stating the results for the assignments would be sent to students sometime over the weekend. It is now Monday and no results. We were also expecting new material to help complete our dissertation proposal on February 28th. Now, a week later, no new material and the deadline for the 1,000-word proposal is just 9 days away!

I posted a message on the online forum, complaining about the constant lack of professionalism. One student emailed me directly, stating that I 'need to chill a bit'. I'm like WHAT?! I have paid more than £4,000 for this course out of my own money, getting a crap service where I am constantly at the mercy of the teachers and I should chill?! Fuck off!

Apparently, I am doing an Executive-style Master's Programme. You would think, therefore, that the material would at least be up to date (and not old, by one tutor's own admission) and that they would meet their deadlines, just like the students must meet theirs.

In the midst of all this 'online protesting', there's a sense of pride when you managed to summon the courage to speak out about something. Like a fellow student wrote: 'you've got balls'. Why do you need balls to complain? No wonder Britain is going to the dogs - people are overworked, pressured by heartless bosses to perform. It should come as no surprise when people refuse to do their jobs properly. I wonder if all the prolific academics of centuries past had to put up with this shit?!