Wednesday, August 06, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Oz Countdown - 25 Days

Now the pace gathers. With just 25 days to go, it seems that the only things I need to do are get rid of stuff I don't want/need anymore, pack and go. The insurance is sorted out and, last night, I was filing all kinds of papers into a binder once and for all: payslips, old credit card bills, official tax documents etc.

I was in England last week and it was great to see the family, knowing that I might not see them for up to - or beyond - a year, depending on what happens. My mother is sad to see me go to the other side of the world, but my father, as encouraging as ever, supports me, shaking my hand before hugging me tightly, showing no emotion.

Every other day, I see a friend or aquaintance who I may not see for a while and I am reminded by the finality of it all. Tools and Vlad have been great, helping with this, that and the other and helping me address alot of my concerns. Bree has become distant, which is understandable, I suppose, but by god I am going to miss him. Every time the guilt seeps back in, I can hear my Mum's voice in my head: "life is not a rehearsal, this is it!" It is true, this really is it! And, if anything, this is living!