Friday, August 15, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Could Have Been So Much Worse

I was cycling home last Wednesday when, rather suddenly, a stationery car door opened fully, not giving me enough time to stop or swerve out of its way given that traffic was passing me on my left during rush hour traffic. My right shoulder hit the side of the door, my bike disappeared from beneath me and I literally flew four metres ahead of the car.

No doubt shocked like myself, the drive remained in the car while a woman rushed to my aid, a nurse who had witnessed the incident and proceeded to inspect me. She was as stunned as I was that I hadn't sustained a single scratch although I could feel that my hip had bore most of the brunt. At worst, I would have bruised bones, but that's a damn site better than broken bones.

The driver joined us, giving me his business card to call if, later on, any post-accident injuries emerged. As if by magic, I felt fine, but I warned him that he is going to lose the door of his car one day because next time it could be a truck passing and not a bike. What a thing to happen, just sixteen days before I depart of Australia. It could have been so much worse.