Wednesday, December 12, 2007

KYLIE: Was I Kylie?

I must be going mad, or am I just being girly? Or, could it be, that I really was Kylie Minogue in a previous life? Or is it just that she brings out the Australian in me even though I am actually British?

Whatever it is, that woman has really go me going recently. It all started with the release of her new album, X, signifying the release of her tenth album followed by the launch of her European tour. I certainly am a lucky one because I managed to get my hands on tickets for both her Helsinki (13JUN) and London (1AUG) shows. Aaaggghhhhh!

I’m close to wetting myself in excitement and I recently revealed (perhaps too proudly, in hindsight) to a friend of mine that I have learnt the words to most of the songs on her new album already. Ever since, he has been calling me ‘girl’ in place of my real name. And this is from someone who is somewhat keen on The Simpsons. Child!

So, was I Kylie in a previous life? No, darling, just gay!