Thursday, December 06, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Finland Turns 90!

Today marks Finland’s 90th year as an independent state. Anybody who is anybody has received an invitation to the President’s Castle in downtown Helsinki to shake hands with Tarja Halonen, Finland’s President. For a country that is just 90 years old (less than four generations, putting it into perspective), it is interesting to see how well they have done.

The event can be described as a fashion parade, resembling that of Royal Ascot, a showing of shoulders and cleavage in every imaginable colour. This year, however, there were some pleasing appearances by Formula 1 drive, Kimi Räikkönen, World Javelin champion, Tero Pitkämäki and Eurovision co-host, Jaana Pelkonen, who upstaged most of the ladies, clad in a dazzling yellow dress.

There is a lot of talk about how competitive 21st Century Finland is in the global arena yet Bree and I still debate how this can be in a country which is, at any given time, one third drunk, one third over-educated and one third downright lazy, refusing to take on work because it insults their intelligence. After all, with increasing immigration throughout Europe, why should a proud Finn - who knows the state will provide generous benefits - do a crappy job if an Estonian or a Pole can be shipped in to do it?
The focus of the independence celebrations is on those who have lost their lives in pursuit of an independent Finland, free of Swedish royal rule and, since 1917, free of the Russian empire. Just imagine: more than seven hundred years of non-native rule has shaped the national identity of these people. It hardly a surprise that they are so resistant to change when, in European terms, they have never had it so good! Here’s to a prosperous Finland!
