Sunday, December 31, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: A Year Of Acheivement

On what is the last day of 2006, I am feeling nostalgic; my sister came to spend Christmas with Bree and I in Helsinki and it was clear that she wasn't 100% happy with her life back home. As we discussed her problems, I grew increasingly aware of how lucky I was. Furthermore, as I skim through the blog entries posted throughout this year, a sense of pride washes right over me; the articles serve as a wealth of memories. Fortunately, most of the memories are good ones.

When I returned to Finland in December 2005, I was an unemployed bum. I don't usually refer to unemployed people in such a negative sense, but not only was I unemployed, I was also a foreigner so it would be much harder for me to get a job. I'll never forget, however, the woman who took a huge risk in granting me a nine week contract. Nine weeks doesn't seem like alot, but it bought me time to find a new job whilst also bringing in some money; as I tried to perform well in the job, I was doing my Masters degree in marketing, studying Finnish two nights per week at night school, applying for jobs while also trying to stay in shape.

In April, after submitting 412 job applications, I finally landed a job at a great company. Two months later, I was promoted into a more responsible role. My situation had changed as quickly as my employers expectations had. I travelled regularly on business, all the while balancing my studies. In setting up my blog, I was able to share some great stories, such as when Finland won the Eurovision, when somebody sadly stole my new sandals, and trips to Gran Canaria, Croatia, Chicago and Lapland.

This autumn has been a busy season with training in London, recovering from what could have been a long-term neck injury, celebrating five years in Finland, becoming a Masters graduate, and celebrating Bree's 40th. With so much going on, it's no surprise then that it's already December 31st!

If I had to choose one word to somehow encapsulate 2006 it would be maturity. In 2006, for the first time in my life, I found myself making conscious decisions that may have a long term impact on my very development(e.g. returning to Finland, studying my Masters degree, taking on a responsible job). I can feel myself settling down which sometimes is quite unsettling for I have spent that last few years in a state of limbo. As a result, this newfound calmness feels somewhat alien. Part of me wants to enjoy this stability while another part is screaming out for something more.

As I look forward, there are several things I want to acheive in 2007. Firstly, I want to stop biting my fingernails; I've tried several times, but have 'fallen off the wagon'. In lieu of smoking (which I have never done) and drinking (which I do very rarely these days), nailbiting as disgusting as it sounds seems to be my only form of release. Since visiting Italy in Summer 2005, I have stopped biting my nails five times only to succumb to the old habit of knawing them off. It's disgusting and somewhat shameful and note in diary: must try harder!

Another thing I need to work on is my communication skills. In my current job and also in my personal life, there have been times when I wish I had listened more and reacted later (e.g. think before speaking). This isn't a huge problem, but is an invaluable skill which you can only teach yourself. With a more heightened awareness of my maturity, this resolution just shows that I have become more conscious - as an adult - as to my role in society.

When you have a history of profound deafness (it stays with you, even if technology aids you somewhat), are gay (it stays with you, even if you are fairly masculine) and a foreigner living in a foreign country, the challenges are overwhelming, but 2007 will be a very interesting year indeed. On a more fun level, there are some trips in the pipeline - I am hoping to visit an old colleague of mine in Japan, and possibly visits to Iceland and Canada with Bree.

On the whole, I am very happy and I wish for nothing but happiness for everyone. I will end this blog entry, the last blog entry of 2006, by wishing you lot's of luck and warmth for the New Year! Here's to 2007!