Saturday, July 01, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: I Hate Psychologists!

Let's go back to MidSummer 2005. Bree and a friend had decided to go away for MidSummer, which was fine with me as I didn't want to go on a gay-themed weekend for MidSummer. As a result, I spent the weekend alone, although I did go to the bar on the Saturday night. On the dancefloor, I met a guy - he was tall, he was big and he was really pursuing me. I'm just as much to blame for I let my flirty personality get the better of me. In the end, our chance meeting ended up with him shoving his telephone number down my trouser pockets. I didn't call him.

I actually left Finland later in the Autumn, set never to return. In the meantime, and unbeknownst to Bree of my earlier experience, they became aquaintances. Well, in the early hours on this date, I went to the bar to find Bree talking to him. By this time, I had returned to Finland, found a really good job and had just joined Bree after a night out with work. I was a little bit tipsy, but the tall, big guy was standing next to him. Politely, I saw hello and asked how he was. We got talking, shouting to hear eachother above the music.

Bree couldn't hear us talking, but the big guy was making advances again, saying things like 'it's a good thing nothing happened' and 'maybe in the next life, eh?' I wasn't impressed. I changed the subject, asking him how his studies are going. He explained he was a psychology student, and this was the funny part. The guy is a bodybuilder, bald, has a lovely smile, but he's 35 and still a student who has never had a full-time job. How can you respect someone like that, especially when I started working at 16?!!

He was talking and talking, saying this and that about psychology. I told him that I don't believe in psychology, except that people have choices and that those choices determine the direction their life goes in; make the wrong choice and live with the consequences. I told him that I'm an expert in body language and he looked a me doubtfully. As a deaf person, I explained, I'm much more observant than most for I am analysing people's movements to determine a person's intentions. He continued to look at me doubtfully, just like psychologists always do.

Forget him, but why does a 35-year old psychology student think he's better than someone who has been working since he was 16 years old; the minute he gets a job, he's gonna go into shock! And what makes people want to become psychologists? Do they suffer from low self esteem themselves, wishing to help others in order to avoid their own issues? Or are they just nosy, wanting to know everybody elses' problems, avoiding their own in the process? The fact that he's also a bodybuilder adds weight to the low self-esteem theory for why on earth would some want to pump themselves up only to have to eat so much food every day and then die in their 50s? God, I hate psychologists!

As we walked home at 2am, I told Bree about our meeting in the past. He laughed. Fair enough, he knows the guy better than I do, but when I told him that he was trying it on again, he laughed even harder. I took this personally, like he wasn't taking the situation seriously. He calmly told me that actions speak louder than words and that the guy is a talker, not a do-er. We agreed to let the matter lie, but I made it clear that I detest the guy.