Monday, June 26, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: MidSummer 2006

Once again, MidSummer descended upon the land and, as usual, we headed to Heinola where Bree's family have a wonderful cottage that has recently been converted to more than 100m². When we arrived just after lunchtime last Friday, Bree's brother was there with his wife and two sons. Altogether, we proceeded to enjoy the relaxing holiday, eating as a family during which I would attempt to speak to Bree's parents in Finnish, often with embarrassing implications. For example, I told Bree's parents that I was reading Tuntematon Potilas (Unknown Patient) when, really, I was actually reading Tuntematon Sotilas (Unknown Soldier)!

Bree's brother had made the biggest impression on the summer cottage that weekend by buying a digibox - for the first time, we had a TV picture you could actually see without wondering what the hell you were looking at on TV. The picture was so clear that we were all amazed. So much so that, after a brief period of time analysing some data for my Master's Degree, I settled down to watch Switzerland play the Republic of Korea in one of the World Cup games. Unsurpisingly, Switzerland won 2-0. Did anyone notice that player from Korea with the blonde hair? Did he look bizarre, or what?!

The boys, aged 6 and 4, were as active as ever and when I got my laptop out and introduced them to PacMan (remember that famous computer game from yonks back?), it wasn't long until they were addicted, fighting over who would play next. Roll in Mum and Dad who, from their dating days, remembered and loved PacMan also. As a family, the parents and children played for hours and, in some strange way, that was my contribution to the weekend's entertainment.

Later in the evening came the customary sauna and cold swim in the lake - the weather had been overcast for most of the day, and the lake was refreshingly cold. Afterwards, we ate sausages with cider and wine before heading to bed around Midnight.

We didn't wake up until 10am the next morning, a rather late start considering everybody else had been up 2-3 hours already! After a morning swim and a quick breakfast, we went for a quick canoe ride around a nearby island - it was my first experience in a canoe and, with the sun shining down on us, it was great. From the lake, you could hardly see the summer cottage which enjoyed immense privacy in the mass of trees that surrounded it.

After lunch, I continued with my data analysis, this time on the jetty with my back to the lake. Occasionally, I would look up and admire the newly converted cottage. Bree was sitting nearby and, at one point, urged me to listen carefully; nearby, a cuckoo was calling out in its unmistakable song, bringing back memories of our trip to Helvetinjärvi in 2002 (see related flashback here).

Later in the day, we settled down in front of the TV once again, this time to watch Germany play Sweden. Earlier in the week, Sweden had drew with England, but despite their success, I wanted Germany to lose for Germany is too big a threat in the World Cup. Despite my hopes, Germany beat their opponents 2-0. In the meantime, the young boys continued to player those 80's games I had on my laptop; as well as PacMan, there was Space Invaders, Asteroids and Tetris.

Disappointed from the results of the football game, we went outside to set up a BBQ. We grilled some sausages before heading to bed after midnight. The day had gone so quickly; I couldn't believe that I had been in London just last weekend.

I surprised myself when I woke up the next morning at 8am. I was the second to rise, after Bree's mother; a tireless woman, Bree's mother was a workhorse. She cooks and cleans non-stop all day long, a remnant of her generation. She doesn't do it because she HAS, but because she WANTS to and, by doing so, constantly frustrates Bree.

Just after 8am, I was in the cold lake. The sky was a clear blue with clouds very low on the horizon. Within minutes, the boys had woken up and, in their excited morning chatter, joined me in the water. Bree woke up as I was returning to the cottage and, after his swim, we all headed to breakfast; as usual, an assortment of cold meats, cheeses and pulla (sweet breads) awaited us. Yummy! After some more data analysis, I went for a quick swim to cool down from the stifling heat of the summer cottage.

Shortly afterwards, we started to prepare lunch with the most unusual offering being from Bree; he prepared mushrooms, stuffed with cheese containing reindeer meat, wrapped with bacon. They were delicious. Shortly before we had sat down for lunch, a visitor had arrived, an old family friend who I had met last year. I forget his name, but pushing 70 years old, he spoke English for he had lived in Australia for a while as a builder. He was there during the early 60s and what possessed him to return to Finland I don't know, nor did I ask. Regardless, he was a nice guy and good company as we settle down for dinner.

Shortly after lunch, Bree's brother and his family left; a calm descended over the summer cottage with the absence of little boy's screams and shouts echoing over the nearby water. I headed to the jetty, napping there for quite some time before Bree joined me. Bree, his father and I stood on the jetty, admiring the calmness of the lake; nearby, we sighted a rare kuikka, a Diver bird according to my Finnish-English dictionary. It sat there in the water, calmly glancing back at us - it looked very lonely there in the huge lake practically all alone. The seagulls in the air reminded me of a recent incident (click here to see what I mean)!

I set up the sauna, putting some wood and newspaper in a certain formation before setting them alight. The wood took and, before long, we were once again drinking cider, running in and out of the sauna and in and out of the nearby lake. Fantastic! After some last-minute sausages, we began the two hour drive back to Helsinki. It was a wonderful evening, very bright and airy.

Our long weekend had started with a visit to Kaivopuisto on the Thursday after work and, at 9pm, we found ourselves in Kaivopuisto once again, downing a soft ice and as we watched boats chug by in the harbour. My fifth MidSummer, I felt truly settled. As I finished my ice-cream, I smiled at Bree and, from there, we went home. Home sweet home!