Wednesday, June 28, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Boss Has Gone

He was never really a good supervisor but, as a person, I really liked him. I'm talking about the guy who hired me eight weeks ago into my current position. We enjoyed a good working relationship, but the hammer fell yesterday with the announcement that he had resigned and that he would be leaving the same day. I hid my disappointment, respecting his decision (seeming somewhat forced due to a lack of notice period) to move on.

Now I am in the same situation as I was in my last job - I'm working with a group of women, once again at the bottom of the organisation. In Helsinki, I work with three, very different women. The red-head is wonderful - she's cheerful most of the time and is the most helpful, often guiding me back on course with lot's of useful advice. We have a good working relationship and have had candid discussions about the team and the organisation as a whole.

The oldest one in the team is a bit hard to work out. She has worked for the company for 18 years and led the bandwagon in claiming that our boss doesn't provide enough supervision. I'm stumped as to what kind of supervision something with 18-years of experience in the field needs, but some people do need direction from time to time and I respect that. Part of me can't help think that her constant moaning led, or contributed somewhat, to our boss' demise.

And then there's the youngest one, the most miserable of the lot. She never says good morning, seems reluctant to help me as a newcomer and, this very morning, point blankly refused to even speak to me when I said 'we need to talk'. She simply said no, and walked away. The sensitive guy I am, this rejection offended me.

My boss has left a rather fragmented team behind, one that I hope can be pieced back together when a new boss is appointed. What I wouldn't give for a bit of stability in the workplace, and to work for a team who is united rather than bickering and moaning all the time!