Friday, June 09, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Bring It Home!

It's finally here again, the World Cup. 31 teams will compete over the next month in 64 football matches. Germany is the host this time around and the winners will be crowned on July 9th after a final due to take place in Berlin (which is a lovely city, by the way).

As usual, Brazil are favourites to win the World Cup being the only team to have been in ALL of the previous 17 World Cups. The bastards have won five times so they should give someone else a chance. Of course, it would be nice if it were England, but to be honest football ain't my cup of tea.

On the BBC Online News website (which I visit every morning with a cup of tea as I start work!), there's been nothing but 'Rooney's injury this' and 'Rooney's injury that'; all this drama for someonbody who kicks around a ball for a living. While the rest of us sit in front of computers every day sending emails on behalf of our capitalist employers, these players get paid thousands to exercise and kick a ball!

Football is an overated sport, but I'm convinced that if Finland can win the Eurovision - which nobody thought would ever be possible - then maybe England stands a chance at winning the World Cup! Come on, boys, bring it home! God knows you get paid enough to perform!