Monday, April 14, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Being 31!

I can't believe that it is April in 2008 let alone my 31st birthday. While some might take some time out and get depressed about what they haven't achieved, I haven't got the time to wallow in that way because I already know that 2008 is going to be a year like no other.

I was reading an article about Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, yesterday and he was quoted as having said: "Don't make long-term plans, something will come along and botch it up!" How true although, having said that, I have always had 2-3 year plans and this kind of long-to-medium term planning has seen me through. That is why I can say, at 31, I am happy.

I did get some bad news today, however. After lunch, there was an in-house health check where you could have your vital signs measured. My blood pressure was normal (137/78, pulse 62 bpm), my lung capacity sufficient (PEF 550), but my body fat percentage was 26.1%, enough to put me in the Very High category. Two out of three ain't bad, but now I am definitely on this side of thirty, it's something to monitor!

I end this post with a Birthday message, which I received from my beloved Bree:

It's birthday time again, I see
Another year has gone by
We're older that we used to be
The thought could make you cry

For getting older is not such fun
When there's hurting in your back
And it's agony if you have run
And a pleasure to lie in the sack

Yes, getting older is quite bore
But to not grow old is worse
So "Happy Birthday", let's shout once more
And to heck with riding in the hearse!