Thursday, March 27, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: The Two Executives Spouting Hot Air

Yesterday morning, Finland woke up to 10-15 cm of snow nationwide; the long-awaited winter finally arrived three months late, granting passionate skiiers and ice-skaters with the perfect weather conditions to undertake their beloved pastimes. The night before, apparently, the night had howled, smothering the land with air of sub-zero proportions.

Today, in the office, it's exactly the opposite what with the arrival to two very senior members of the management team. Yesterday saw the site's long-serving resident General Manager step down. The timely arrival of two senior executives from the States did nothing but spark countless rumours which, fortunately, I didn't need to participate in since I only returned to the office this morning.

I opened my email first thing to find an invitation for a meeting at 11am with the two executives; my team of fifteen or so colleagues assembled in the meeting room and, as expected, we were informed that our segment in the organisation would continue to remain unfunded while the firm continuies to decide which strategic path to follow. This has been their approach since I joined the firm nearly two years ago!

The last two years have seen our competitors gain significant marketing share because of upper management's inability to commit to anything substantial. On the 'promise' of $1-2 million dollars to play with sometime this year, I interrupted: "I have heard alot of verbs and adjectives today, but nothing concrete that I can takeaway with me!". At this, one of the executives reacted defensively, asking what do I want to which I retorted: "No more promises, for a start!"

Given that I am not a manager nor do I have any staff responsibility, I sometimes feel that I could be in such a position 5-10 years from now. You see, procrastination serves no-one and in you need to speculate in order to accumulate; you would think Americans would know this better than anyone given the wealth they have accumulated. Then again, wealth can make you dumb.

Over the lunch table, I was criticised by my colleagues for being so outspoken. Diplomacy isn't my strong point, I admit, but contstructive objectivity never hurt anyone, did it? Let's not take this crap lying down, I'm thinking to myself. I'm still convinced that the firm is just buying time, and that they are going to shut us down! By then, it will be too late to voice your concerns, folks!