Sunday, April 20, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: 31/8 - Start of my OAYDU!

Over breakfast, Bree and I discussed the recruitment situation in Australia. So far, I have applied for more than two hundred jobs in Australiam but with little success. There's still a couple of companies that haven't come back to me whom I have had interviews with, but the main feedback I am receiveng from employment agencies and the like is to wait until I arrive before submitting applications for jobs.

Biting the bullet, however, I just went ahead and booked my flights for my One Amazing Year Down Under! I will depart from Heathrow on Sunday 31st August, arriving in Sydney in the early hours of Tuesday, 2nd September. Going from one summer to the start of another summer sounds fab in itself, and I am not that bothered about the work situation - I can afford to take several months off work and I could probably fall back on my portrait photography to get by.

Note to all: my departure day is now official so let's meet up and celebrate. Bruce, Vlad and Tools: get the welcoming committee wheels in motion! He he!