Friday, March 14, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: Lisbon Beckons

It is morning once again and, sitting at my desk at work, I can see my packed suitcase and hand luggage nearby. Once again, I am off on holiday. I will fly into Manchester (to see John), then travel down south to see my parents before spending four days in Lisbon with a Finnish friend of mine.

Bree won't be able to join me because he has no winter holiday due to some archaic employment law, which denies him holiday for the first year of service in a new company. Instead, he will fly into England the day before Good Friday where we will spend one day in Chester, another in Manchester and an overnighter in Liverpool to celebrate Sweetpea's 50th! I can't believe she is fifty!
When I get back, there will be tons of pix, perhaps some new additions to Ecliptic Images. I'll be back in Helsinki on Easter Sunday.