Saturday, January 26, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: ~3.25km / 20:00

I have to admit that I am quite proud of myself. Lately, in the gym, I've been very active. And not just on lifting the weights, but also on the cardiovascular front. Indeed, i is the cardio which puts off most people from going to a gym in the first place. After all, who wants to sweat and look unattractive in a gym full of body-beautiful-could-be-model types?

In truth, those people who may or may not look so good, but do regular cardiovascular exercise are, in fact, healthier than their bulkier-and-pleasing-on-the-eye counterparts. You see, the only way to exercise the heart - the body's vital organ - is to raise your heart raise by running, cycling, jogging are partaking in the good old hanky panky!

And a healthy hearts means a healthier body, no matter what the outside looks like. Anyway, several times now (I think six or seven) I have managed to run for 20 minutes non-stop at a speed of around 10kms/hour. On average, I'm clocking between 3.2 and 3.3 kilometers. Afterwards, yes, I'm sweating, but by god it feels fantastic. I think this is evidence that I have past a certain plateau in my fitness regime.

Note: will I be able to maintain the cardio during the 28-day detox in February? Watch this space - there's going to be lot's and lot's of whinging during the month of February as I deprive myself of all things nice and try to detox!