Thursday, January 03, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: My Plea Might Just Work

My friends might think I'm a sad twat, but I have a funny feeling this might just work. I spent most of my childhood in a state of profoundly deafness, with all the limitations that brings a child e.g. no social life, bullying, feelings of inadequacy. Indeed, I am still profoundly deaf although technology seems to have found a workaround by means of my cochlear implantation which, in 2001, 'restored' my hearing from a lousy, lipreading-dependent 33% to 97% within an amazing, life-changing six week period.

In 2001, six months after my implantation, I moved to Finland, blessed with lot's of new abilities granted to me by the precious gift of hearing. The implantation has had a major impact, namely in the form of confidence to travel abroad (often alone), increased career opportunities, undertaking and completing my masters degree. I somehow encapsulated all this in a letter, which I have sent to Kylie Minogue's management in London.

'Despite these achievements,', I wrote, 'the biggest gift is being able to hear. And being able to hear music. And being able to listen to Kylie.' This is before I 'welcome an opportunity to meet with Kylie Minogue, however briefly, during her visit to Helsinki next June'. In hindsight, I am in two minds. The odds of being granted a meet are so slim, but from my experience, what you don't ask for you definitely will not get. Imagine, just imagine!