Wednesday, January 02, 2008

NORMAL LIFE: 2008, A Year Like No Other?

After summarising my travel plans for 2008 already at the end of last year (see here), I was somewhat unnerved by how uncanny some horoscope entries seemed to concur with my own desires for 2008. I normally avoid the horoscopes (it's all bollocks, isn't it?!), but on a number of flights during my recent trip to South Africa (blog entry to follow), I read a few entries as I read newspapers and magazines to pass time.

One newspapers' astrologer wrote: 'Once every twelve years or so, Jupiter moves to the apex of your chart. It usually means success and popularity are not far behind. Jupiter begins its 13th journey through Capricorn, and that means you can get ahead in your career or achieve your worldly ambitions'.

My reaction: I don't know what the 'apex of my chart' means nor do I know why Jupiter wants to visit Capricorn so often, but of particular importance is that 2008 will mean that I can get ahead in my career OR acheive my worldly ambitions. My worldly ambition is to take a year out in Australia starting next Autumn, but does that mean I have to forego career advancement?

An airline's in-flight magazine writes: 'This is the year to give your career a boost. Expect more status, more money and more job satisfaction. Remember those life plans, those dreams of glory? The time to acheive your destiny has arrived. But it's all dependent on you. First, get your affairs in order. Tackle the outstanding tasks you've avoided until now. An uncluttered desk (and agenda) frees you up to chase the golden prize with the energy it deserves. From May to August it's crunch time. Review what you've acheived, tweak whatever needs changing and stay true to your original intentions. If you've veered a little from your original plan, pull yourself back onto the path. By September, if you've prepared well, you're ready to roll out your brilliant takeover plan.'

My reaction: Wow, wow, wow! The question remains: what is my destiny? Going to Australia or giving my career a boost, or why not even both at the destination of my choice in the same company? The timing is almost scary because I planned to book my flights by the end of Spring (May) and my visa to Australia is valid until September 26th by which time, I should be ready to roll out my plans! Spooky!

Another newspaper writes: 'Why not just open the book on the last page? Or select the final scene of a move on your DVD? Why go to the trouble of following the story from the start? All you are ever going to find out is what happened, so surely the sooner you make that discovery, the sooner you can move on. There. That neatly illustrates 2008. We're not at the end yet; we're only just arriving at the start. Stop projecting. Start relaxing. It's going to be a good year.

My reaction: Never in all of my life have I felt more at peace, more in tune with what is meant to be. It's just the second day of a New Year yet, somehow, it feels like the year ahead had been planned for me. The only challenge is: how can I keep my job AND visit Australia so that when I return to Finland, I don't need to spend six months finding a new job? This is going to take meticulous planning, but I am confident I can pull it off.