Friday, May 26, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Harry Potter Sadness

With Bree away this weekend visiting his parents, I made an effort to finish reading my copy of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, the sixth book in the series. I'm not avid fan of the Potter series, but I have read them all. This book was rather slow compared to the previous five, full of sex and love as the characters slowly come of age during their 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

However, the last 100 pages was the best. When the Dark Mark appeared over Hogwarts itself, doom was imminent, as predicted by the bizarre Professor Trelawney.

However, the death of a leading character and the revealing of certain alliances made for an eagerly awaited 7th book. Hopefully we won't have to wait long.

Another reason for wanting to finish reading Harry Potter 6 is to start reading a book I bought recently in England. It's the story of a Sudanese girl who was 'sold' as a slave to a family in London. I actually saw the 'slave' herself, Mende Nazer, in a department store in Helsinki last summer, publicising the release of her book. And now I managed to law my hands on the English version.