Wednesday, February 08, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Good News Followed By Bad

Having just arrived at the office this morning, I received a text message from an old friend of mine in London, telling me that her request for a Cochlear Implant had been accepted. Wow, what fantastic news! My friend is totally deaf and we met online more than five years ago when I was searching for advice concerning my forthcoming implantation in February 2001. Readmitted into hospital following post-op complications, she came to visit me. We communicated via lipreading and signing; she was great company and we have kind of been in touch every since. What great news to start off the day, I thought.

Later on, Bree called me to let me know that our new wardrobes, which we so badly need, will be delivered tomorrow and construction will begin tomorrow afternoon, continuing on Friday morning. This was great news and after my boss agreed to give me the time off work I emailed him back to let him know I had Friday morning's working hours covered.

My day was going quite well; not being overly busy at work and being on the receiving end of good news made a nice change. I decided to force matters when I called an employment agency to find out the outcome of a telephone interview I had had last week. When I got through, the woman explained that she was supposed to call me on Monday - it is now Wednesday - to let me know I had been unsuccessful.

One thing that has constantly frustrated me during my jobsearch in Finland is that I have to be so active. Why had is taken the agent more than 48 hours to notify me of a the Client's decision? And why did I have to call THEM when they should have had the common courtesy to update me on the situation? I really wanted the job so being unsuccessful was naturally a disappointment.

It's typical really that, on this exceptionally bright and sunny winter day, I feel depressed and can't wait for the day to end. Hope your day is going better than mine!