Sunday, January 29, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Who remembers Connect 4?

Do you remember that game with two players (using either red or yellow pieces) where you had to get four pieces in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally? I remember spending a good deal of my childhood playing that game; every household seemed to have one and it was something you played when you visited friends as it was quick and easy to assemble; these were the days just before the Amstrad and Commodore personal computers arrived!

Before returning to Finland, I was out with my eldest sister one afternoon and, in a store, I noticed that they STILL sell this game! For fun, she thought it would make an ideal Christmas present. Christmas day came and, at the age of 28, I became the owner of Connect 4!

It has surprised me how few people in Finland have even heard of this game while it was a runaway success in the UK. Connect 4 rocks! Or at least it did when I was eight years old! I played it a couple of days ago with a Finnish friend of mine and we had a right giggle - we got so competitive that we had to put it away!