Thursday, January 26, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: There's something you should know

The purpose of this BLOG was to recall and document the wonderful experiences from my first four years in Finland. At some point, the mix of entries relating to the past and present will 'meet up' and this will then become a 'current day BLOG'.

Over the past few weeks, I have been scribbling down notes on what I would like to include in this BLOG. In order to share the finer details of the many experiences, I need to share somthing very personal with you. The thing that I wish to share with you affects my everyday life so it's difficult to share things 'in-context' without informing you, my reader, of something that has a fundamental affect on my life.

The fact is I am gay. For those of you who disapprove, yes, it is true: I am a shirt-lifter, a fairy, a poofter. Before you judge me, however, or make certain assumptions, I am not your typical gay - I don't sing YMCA as I walk down the street nor I wear tight clothes, sound feminine when I speak or cut hair for a living; there's plenty of those 'in-your-face' types, but I'm simply not one of them. I don't consider my sexuality to be a big thing, but it is part of who I am and it often affects where I go and what I do. Ultimately, honesty is the best policy, and I hope you continue to read this online account of the last four fantastic years.

Now that I can be honest with you, you'll notice some dramatic changes in the entries that follow, shortly leading to the Spring of 2002 when I met my boyfriend; we are still together today, facing life's daily challenges with eachothers support, love and attention.