Friday, August 22, 2003

FLASHBACK #46: Scandinavian Extravaganza - Final Words

As if I haven't gone on and on enough, eh? Well, in summary the trip was an exhausting one, but I could not have had better company. Judy and Sweetpea were hilarious and, considering, I think the three of us bounced off each other really well.

Over a period of three weeks together, we had visited five countries and travelled nearly 3,000 miles and, despite my crankiness, the girls hadn't killed me!

For me, the timing of the trip wasn't ideal, but looking back, I am glad that I did it and I'm glad I did it with Judy and Sweetpea. Thanks girls, I love youse!

I want to thank Judy for her huge courage. Planning of the trip started in June 2003, when Judy, Sweetpea and I met up for a long weekend in Spain. During our chat, she pointed out that, since a car accident earlier in the year, she lacked a feeling of security whilst in a car.

In my mind, I started to wonder why she had agreed to go on a driving holiday, but I honestly think it has done her good. As the days passed, she spent more and more time looking at the road ahead, rather than occupying herself or throwing a coat over her head! Well done, Judy!

And Sweetpea - thank you for all your wise advice… some of it has still had an affect to this very day. You have a very calming effect on me and I will never forget your "oh, it's fabs", your "it's a bit naff, innits" and your "have it alls!' Bleedin' hilarious, you are!

After returning to Finland, I calculated that the trip cost less than £900 per person for three weeks including all costs (accommodation, travelling, food, drink etc). This doesn't take into account personal spending other than those mentiond above, but when you consider what we had done for around £300 per week…fab, eh, Sweetpea?!

Right, I think I have gone on enough... No, you don't say!