Sunday, April 20, 2003

FLASHBACK #36: Easter 2003, Rollerblading & Mämmi

By the beginning of April, 2003, the days were sunnier and brighter. The air was still a bit chilly, but Easter bought a new activity with it: Rollerblading! Having recently acquired new rollerblades, we donned tracksuits and equipped ourselves with helmets and elbow and knee pads. I looked like a right prat, but we headed for Kaivopuisto and practised there for a bit. I felt rather awkward, but within an hour, I had established some kind of balance and thanked my lucky stars for not falling flat on my arse.

As the remainder of the Spring and Summer came, there would be several occasions when we would go rollerblading. Indeed, the times when I would fall on my arse would emerge too. I remember one incident when Bree thought I was ready to travel down a hill. And this wasn't just any hill. This was a bloody steep hill called Sotkatie, on the west side of Lautasaari, towards Espoo. As I launched myself from the top, I knew I wasn't ready, but it was too late... Bree tried to drag me back, but as I am 6 kilos heavier than him, gravity wanted to have it's way.

The trip down the hill felt like a lifetime and I was literally screaming the hole time, in the hope that no pedestrians would dare to attempt crossing the road until I was out of harms way. As I approached the bottom, there was a dirt track to the left (which is a no-go for rollerblades), and tarmac-surfaced car park to the right. I geared to the right, waiting for the flatness to bring me to a stop as I hadn't yet mastered stopping let alone navigating hills. What a thrill! I cursed at Bree and he looked at me momentarily before we erupted in laughter!

On another occasion, I was rollerblading alongside Länsiväylä, on the route for cyclists, bladers and pedestrians when I inadvertently bladed over a manhole. The rumble of the metal destabilised me and I couldn't maintain my balance. Instead, I went plunging off course, flying into a row of bushes! Once again, Bree was like, whatever!

Anyway, getting back to Easter.... After our initial blading session, we headed back to home where Bree had a gastronomic delight awaiting me. Well, I say that with a hint of sarcasm. I introduce Mämmi. How would you describe Mämmi? Well, it's a traditional Finnish pudding, normally eating at Easter-time. It is made from rye and barley which are then processed in a similar fermenting process like beer.

The result is a paste-like food that tastes oh, well, I don't know! Why would anybody make this kind of thing? I can't answer that, but when substituted with mounds of cream and sugar, it's a little bit - only a little bit - more bearable!

When confronted with the plate of the black stuff that looked like shit, I looked down think, oh, so this is Mämmi? It didn't look nice, but looks can be deceiving, I assured myself. It's a tradition so it must taste nice, otherwise why would people buy it year after year! I'm sure Bree could tell from the look on my face that I wasn't convinced!

For a while, I was like a three year old playing with my food. Urgh, look at all the blackness! As I neared my face, I took a sniff - it smelt okay so I took the plunge! But it backfired! Yrjö! Mushy, grainy, black. What a load of...!

After recovering from the Mämmi-eating episode, I pondered upon whether or not Mämmi was an acquired taste like strong cheese or Whisky. I strongly suggest you heed the following advice: accept the offer of cream and sugar and take as much cream and sugar as you can!