Sunday, March 02, 2003

FLASHBACK #33: Securing A Future In Helsinki

The Spring of 2003 was largely concerned with the fact that I had applied for a job in Helsinki within the same company; the recruitment process was taking soooo long and I waited anxiously for the outcome. Getting the job was important - it was an opportunity to work in a Marketing-related area, which is what I was now studying, and it would also ensure that Bree and I could remain together. After all, my contract in Tampere would end in the Autumn.

After three interviews and two psychological tests (why?), the job was offered to me. The negotiations were swiftly handled and the contract signed. As an internal move, however, my boss in Tampere ensured that couldn't start the new job until the September. I kind of understood this as the project I was working on needed every resource it could find.

The news was a cause for celebration and I longed to move to Helsinki so that Bree and I could finally be together, rather than living in different cities. And it would be nice to get away from Finance after more than ten years of number-crunching!