Saturday, September 01, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Kids Abroad, Piss & Dumb Damon

I start the month with a whinge about the Finns. My engineer is taking a baby of eight months to Thailand. Is this wise, I ask myself, before remind myself that it's none of my business. But still! What if something happened out there? I wouldn't even take a baby under two to Spain. Sometimes the Finns are too damn liberal or, in this case, just plain stupid. This was on Thursday.

Last night, I went to see the International Firework Championships in Töölönöhati (Töölö Bay). Although I should be used to it by now, I was shocked by the number of people peeing everywhere they could, making very little attempt to even disguise their inappropriate outdoor activity. Meanwhile, broken bottles were strewn all over the city while smokers revelled in their thousands. Even government buildings were not immune, from which trails of urine seeped from the Parliament building while bottles floated in the water of the monument of former president, Urho Kekkonen.

This isn't new behaviour, I remided myself. Rather, it is countryside behaviour. Drinking outside is illegal yet where were the police on this particular evening? Too scared to get out of their cars probably. I find it laughable that people think it is permissable to come to the city and seemingly pee in excitement over a fireworks display. Something is telling me 'lighten up'!

All this happened after seeing The Bourne Ultimatum, Matt Damon's new movie. "What a load of old shit", Catherine's Tate's character Gran would cry out. The movie is based on a civilian who volunteers to have his memory erased and a new character 'installed' into his brain with a killer instinct aimed at killing those who were threats to national security. But given the way he gets up after each car crash or clash with villains before dashing of the next international desination, I am convinced he must be a cyborg, perhaps the Terminator's cousin of something.

What I want to know is: where does he get the money from? Damon recently publicly derided the most recent James Bond movie, Casino Royal. After watching Damon's latest movie, however, I am forced to conclude that neither character is believable, entertaining nor is their existence on the big - or little - screen worthy. It's hard any surprise that the kids are as stupid as they are when they spend countless hours watching movies like these. How dumb does Hollywood think people are? Very, so it seems!