Friday, August 17, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Getting Over Elvis

Anyone born after the 70s may shake their head in confusion when they see TV footage of fans mobbing The Beatles at Heathrow Airport and women throwing themselves at the so-called King, Elvis Presley. Nowadays, amidst the growing scepticism of the 21st Century, fans are a little bit calmer than those a generation ago. I mean, they used to go nuts!

Around this time, every year, you start to hear news that another Elvis anniversary is coming up. It's been thirty years since the King died and, quite frankly, who cares?! Don't you think 30 years is a bit long to keep holding candlelight vigils at the grave of something who literally bought about his own death by aggravating heart disease with drug abuse. What kind of signal does this send to the youth of today? Take drugs, die at a relatively young age and be remembered? Get over it!