Wednesday, August 29, 2007

MORMAL LIFE: You Know What's Coming...

I've seen this many times before. You know what's coming when the shadow's still hang low on your way to work, and the wind of the morning rush hour rings in your ears and you quicken your pace because you know there's a nice warm office waiting for you at the other end. Yes, it's winter. On November 2nd, I will celebrate six years in Finland with a gathering of some close friends ahead of what will be my 7th Finnish winter. Wherever I travel, people ask 'how do you cope'?

The truth is I don't cope too well. As Bree will testify, I become grumpy and antisocial. However, the secret of 'getting through it' is to keep yourself busy. This winter, I'll keep myself busy by going to the gym (that started already last week and I am in a lot of pain as I write!), swimming, studying Finnish (start Level 4 week after next) and by doing a Photography Course with the Open University. And that's before I even set about updating my blog, going to the cinema most weekends and meetings up with friends, when I can be bothered.

The winter does make you anti-social, but sometimes I can close my eyes and remember those afternoons when I finished work at 2pm, cycled to the outdoor pool as quickly as I could and read the latest bestseller until 6pm! The thought of it just warms your heart and that is what gets you throught the winter e.g. knowing that you can bunk off work at 2pm and enjoy the summer without getting fired!