Saturday, June 02, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Global Peace Index - Finland Comes 6th!

Not only is Finland still ranking high in the International Competitivity Index and highly regarded in the world for its superior education system, it has now been confirmed that it is the 6th most peaceful country in the world (Norway is first, pictures above).

Politically stable, free of civil unrest, not at war with any other country, good relations with neighbouring states, low incidence of violent crime and violent demonstrations. Following the cold war, Finland has undertaken a policy of 'strategic non-alignment' and has so far not applied for NATO membership, further signalling its neutral status.

Should defence become necessary, Finland has more heavy weapons per head of population than most European countries and has higher number of arm recruits than its EU neighbours.

Whether this news will boost Finland's tourist industry (which is doing very well indeed these days) is another question - one thing about living in such a peaceful country which is relatively new and whose history is quite tame compared to those of other European states is that it can be boring at times. A small price to pay for being safe, though.

The Top Five most peaceful countries were Norway, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland and Japan, with the UK ranking 49th, the US ranking 96th and Iraq at the bottom of the list at 121st. Related articles here, here and here,
