Tuesday, May 22, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: 64/105 = 61%

Unbelievable! I got the result through from my Finnish exam and guess what? I passed! I can't believe that I managed to get through Level 3 of this bloody difficult language! Having said that, I put a lot of effort into passing and I have just realised that I am now halfway through the 6-course syllabus of what is Finnish.

Interestingly, in order to apply for Finnish Citizenship, you need to pass Level 3. Should I or shouldn't I? In this day and age, having dual-citizenship could prove useful, especially if Britain were to become a terrorist hotspot or a location of future bombing from an already-angered Muslim world.

Some difficult decisions lie ahead. On holiday recently, Bree gave his blessing to allow me to consider going to Australia for one year, which has been a dream of mine since I was 18 years old. If I were to do that, I would probably leave in Spring 2009. Learning more Finnish in the meantime would probably prove futile.

On the other hand, I have been looking into doing a Digital Photography Course with the Open University. I have always said that the problem with living in the Western World in the 21st Century is that we have too many choices! I suppose it's better than having no choices at all.