Tuesday, May 08, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Helsinki Calling...

The media machine has suddenly sprung to life with pages and pages dedicated to this weekend's forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest which will be hosted by none other than Helsinki, Finland! I can just imagine the presenters of the show declaring Tervetuloa Helsinkiin/Welcome to Helsinki to rapturous applause, marking the start ofTHE most gayest event in Europe!

I have been watching some of this years entries and it promises to be another yet more commercial than last year attempt to introduce some credible acts to the European masses. The UK entry this year is a rather camp affair. Sung by Scooch, Flying The Flag (for you) bases itself on a 'Eurovision flight' during which a busty blondy sexily illustrates how to 'blow' air into your life jacket. Meanwhile, a steward offers the captain something to suck on for landing; nothing wrong with a bit of 70s sauce and the entry is a marked improvement on the rap-and-schoolgirls entry from last year.

Other countries that have taken my fancy include Denmark's DQ, with the song Drama Queen. A very professional drag queen tells us how he's going to be a shining star when he's on the stage! It's poppy and get's you moving and there's something very STEPS-esque about the song, with its mass appeal.

Russia has a very promising entry this year, although it's sounds like a Michael/Janet Jackson cast off. Girly trio Serebro will wow us with Song #1, an attempt to drag Russian music out of the dark ages; initial reviews put Russia as a favourite to win. While it is a good song, if Russia win, I might just faint from shock.

The biggest joke this year is Ukraine, represented by the transevite disco bunny, Verka Serduchka singing Dancing Lasha Tambai, which reminds me somewhat of Timmy Mallet's Yellow Polka Dot Bikini; this just illustrate that all countries have to go through the painful process of musical evolution until they produce something worth listening too!

Of course, I haven't had a chance to review all of the songs, but it seems the calibre increases year on year. Thank god for that!

Eurovision Website:- click here

Entry videos:
Denmark - Drama Queen by DQ here
UK - Flying The Flag (for you) by Scooch here
Ukraine - Dancing Lasha Tambai by Verka Serduchka here
Russia - Song #1 by Serebro here