Wednesday, February 07, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: Lucky To Be Away!

By god am I glad to be away this week? When I say 'away', I'm referring to the fact that I am in the UK this week. Meanwhile, Bree is shivering in temperatures as low as -27°C in the South of Finland. But I haven't got away completely unscathed; this week, it's been -6°C in Hertfordshire just north of London.

It's laughable, though, that the media says that the UK is going to be paralysed by a forecasted fall of 2-5cms of snow tonight. In reality, I'm scared - with the slightest threat of snow or wind or rain, my journey to work on the train tomorrow will be absolute chaos. What amazes me is that year on year, the UK finds it acceptable for the country to come to a complete standstill. Related article here.

Halfway through my stay in the UK, I have had a great trip; there's some things that never change, which can be frustrating, but there's also an opportunity to spend time in a multicultural environment which, only when you've spent some time outside of it, can prove amusing. There's a long blog entry coming soon so watch this space...