Friday, January 19, 2007

NORMAL LIFE: A Case Of 22 Degrees!

My fascination with the weather continues, as Finland's winter continues to be the mildest on record. On this very day last year (read here), I reported how the weather was a bitterly cold -23°C. Today, the weather is -1°C, a year-on-year difference of 22°C. Isn't that just extreme?

While I'm thankful (nobody enjoys -23°C), you can't help but wonder what an inpact this will have on the environment. Will the coming summer be a scorcher, or will it rain to make up the ever obvious lack of snow during the winter?

As evidence that the weather does affect people's moods, I have been happier this winter than during the previous five combined. The reason: the weather has been very much like home (the UK), with periods of rain and wind. Such is the similarity in the weather that, at times, it feels like I'm surrounded by foreigners in England!

Meanwhile, Europe is battered by strong wings (see here and here).