Monday, February 28, 2005

FLASHBACK #62: Wild In South Africa (Last Words)

To my dearest Wia and Kalie!

At the point of finalising this text, October 2005 has arrived in the UK; more than seven months after the trip itself, the memories are as vivid as ever. Working on this presentation has been a holiday in itself, an opportunity to relive the holiday through text and photos. I’m sure the detail in the text will do the same for you.

How can I even start to thank you for this wonderful experience?? It seemed that with every passing kilometre (we drove 4,725kms, you know!), there was a new experience. Whether it was another mountain, wild animal, gushing waterfall, caves, vineyards, valleys, gorges or even just a bout of giggling, it was non-stop for 16 wonderful days!

Since I left you in South Africa, Wia, you’ve hit hard times. However, true to form, you always bounce back and your ability to pick yourself up and dust yourself down is testament to the strong woman you really are. Without strength, neither of us would have made it this far and, without friendship, we wouldn’t be in touch now!

When I think of you, I think of South Africa. Because of you, I left South Africa feeling I had really seen it although you keep reminding me I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg! There’s only one thing for it – another adventure one day soon!!

My love and heartfelt thanks to you both,