Tuesday, October 31, 2006

NORMAL LIFE: Halloween Ain't The Same Anymore!

Once again, it's All Hallow's Eve, the Celtic New Years Eve of yesteryear. The Celts chose November 1st to signify the end of the Summer and the year's harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time often associated with human death.

More significantly, the Celt's believed that during the last night of October and the first day of November, the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred hence the celebration of Halloween with all things spooky. You can read more about Halloween here

In our family, the Celtic belief rings somewhat true. Four years ago on this very day, my sister knowingly gave birth to a stillborn baby girl. The disaster was a tragedy for a disbeliving family let alone the mother who had carried her child with so much hope in her heart. I actually did a Flashback blog entry about the tragedy (see here).

I can safely say that that single event left a mark on our family for the child that wasn't to be was succeeded by a girl who is so special and thus loved and cherished more than a child could possible hope for. I think of my sister during this time for the event left an indelible mark on her very person. I love you!