Monday, December 17, 2001

FLASHBACK #6: Castles, 'support package' and sleeping in the sauna

I remember my first company Christmas party in Finland very well. Up to a point, anyway! The firm had organised for everybody to go to a place called Vanajanlinna (, a Castle in the Vanaja region of Finland, strategically located between the major cities of Tampere, Lahti, Turku and Helsinki.

Straight after work, my colleagues and I loaded onto a coach. As we made our way to the Castle, darkness arrived once more. It took more than an hour to get there and, on our arrival, I discovered that a Finnish Castle bears no resemblance to the fortress look of British Castles - instead, it looks more like a Manor.

We were greeted my two female colleagues who had arrived ahead of us and dressed up as Angels. As our 'hosts' for the evening, they had arranged 'teambuilding' tasks. Together, in teams of six, colleagues had to participate in a number of tasks, resulting in points for the best performance. Along the way, strong drinks were offered, adding to the relaxing evening. Several of my colleagues from the UK offices had joined us and a good time was had by all.

After the teambuilding session, we were welcomed into an impressive hall where a splendid buffet of traditional Finnish foods graced the tables. Along with reindeer meat, there was succulent ham with a selection of mashed vegetables. With the food came lots of wine and, within an hour, a live band had started up and people were dancing; dancing in Finland is serious business and is done very differently. It's quite an unnerving experience as girls start asking you to dance then lead the way, tango-style!

Before long, midnight arrived. I had been chatting to various colleagues during the course of the evening and the drink was flowing. We all ambled back onto the coach and a drink called 'support package' was doing the rounds - it was dark black and, reeking of liquorice, tasted like a liquorice-flavoured schnapps. It wasn't until later, as we arrived in Tampere and after my fourth or fifth swig of 'support', that I was told it was called 'Salmiakki Koskenkorva' and contained 32% Alcohol! It was hardly any surprise then that, as I stood up to get out of the coach, my legs felt a bit wobbly!

The coach had pulled into Koskikatu near the Tammerkoski which continued to gush with water. Apparently, we were heading to 'Nightlife', a nightclub attached to Cumulus Hotel. After a couple of hours on the dancefloor, some of us decided to call it a night. I remember seeing the temperature displayed as -17°C somewhere as I patiently waited for a taxi - I was in a long queue of some thirty people and, in a drunken stupor, decided to make the three kilometre trip home on foot. I was inadequately dressed and had no hat.

I don't remember the rest of the evening. I must have got home after 3am and woke up at 10am, having somehow taken off all my clothes and slept in the sauna (which I hadn't switched on, thank god). What am I like, eh?!